Welcome to tado-overseer’s documentation!


tado-overseer was created for my own personal use. I have no professional affiliation or relationship with Tado, nor receive any assistance, funding or support for this or any other project. This software is provided under the MIT license and should be used in accordance with its permissions, conditions and limitations.

What is Tado?

Tado is a smart thermostat system for home heating and ventilation systems. Temperatures can be managed on a room by room basis (through “zoning”), while additional features such as geofencing, weather adaption and open window detection provide energy efficiency and convenience benefits.

Tado devices can be added retrospectively to existing systems, and allow the user to easily manage their devices via mobile apps (iOS and Android) and a web UI.

In addition, a RESTful web API enables programmatic management of devices and their configuration.

What is tado-overseer?

A means of managing configuration across multiple Tado devices through a simple Python API. While these settings are configurable on a per-device basis via the Tado app or web UI, management of multiple devices is somewhat tedious.

Functionality is currently limited to the management of temperature offsets. Time and API support permitting, I’d like to add support for the following items next:

  • managing Open Window Detection on devices: e.g. enable/disable, amend timeouts

  • managing Child Lock on devices: e.g. enable/disable

  • alerting on outstanding issues/warnings: e.g. low battery, device mounting errors

  • selection/filtering actions only to particular zones or devices

  • multi-home accounts

Tado Primer

A typical Tado deployment consists of the following entities:

  • OWNER:

    This is the account that owns the installation. Identified by id.

  • HOME:

    Each owner has one or more homes defined in their account, each identified by a unique numeric homes.id.

  • ZONE(s):

    Each home has one or more zones (e.g. rooms, buildings or other groups of devices). Each zone is identified by a unique numeric id.

  • DEVICE(s):

    Each zone has one or more devices associated to it. Each device can be a part of only one zone. Each zone has one designated “leader” device, responsible for providing the temperature reading for the zone.

    ┌─────────┐1       *┌────────┐1       *┌────────┐1       *┌────────┐
    │  OWNER  │─────────│  HOME  │─────────│  ZONE  │─────────│ DEVICE │
    └─────────┘         └────────┘         └────────┘         └────────┘

Each device has a number of pertinent properties:

  • Serial Number (serialNo): acts as the device identifier for all API requests.

  • Roles (duties): a list of assigned roles that the device performs. Leader devices are identified via the presence of the ZONE_LEADER role.

  • Status Fields
    • Battery (batteryState): shows if the device has any outstanding battery level warnings.

    • Connection (connectionState.value): shows if the device is currently reachable and actively managed by Tado.

    • Mount (mountingState.value): shows if the device has been properly installed and calibrated.

Getting Started


In order to interact with the Tado API, you must supply your authentication credentials. These are as follows:



Environment Variable Name

Python Parameter Name


Your Tado account username or email address




Your Tado account password



Client ID

Tado API client ID - hardcoded to tado-web-app



Client Secret

Tado API secret - available from https://app.tado.com/env.js




See note above on authentication. You may choose to set your credentials as environment variables before running the package, or pass them explicitly as arguments as shown in step 2 below.

  1. Install the package:

    pip install tado-overseer
  2. Import and use:

    from tado.offsets import TadoOffsetsManager
    # Define your target zone offsets
    target_offsets = {
       "tado": {
          "offsets": {
             "Hallway": -4.0,
             "Kitchen": -2.7
    # Initialize the offsets manager with your offsets and credentials
    om = TadoOffsetsManager(
    # Apply the target offsets to the installation


    The package uses the Python logging module to display output. You can enable a simple logging configuration by running this:

    import logging
    logging.basicConfig(level="INFO", format="%(asctime)s [%(name)s] %(levelname)s - %(message)s")


    You can also define target offsets in a YAML file, then pass the full path and filename in the offsets_dict parameter:

    om = TadoOffsetsManager(offsets_file="path/to/config.yaml")


  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone https://github.com/mmcf/tado-overseer.git
  2. Recommendation: set your Tado credentials as environment variables using a .env file. Docker compose will then pick these up:

  3. Configure your temperature offsets in config.yaml:

        Hallway: -4.0
        Kitchen: -2.7
        Study: -3.0
        Main Bathroom: -4.0
        Utility Room: -1.8
        Lounge: -3.5
  4. Run the container:

    docker-compose run tado-overseer scripts/apply_offsets.py --offsets-file config.yaml [ --dry-run ]

    Which will produce output similar to:

     _            _
    | |_ __ _  __| | ___         _____   _____ _ __ ___  ___  ___ _ __
    | __/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ _____ / _ \ \ / / _ \ '__/ __|/ _ \/ _ \ '__|
    | || (_| | (_| | (_) |_____| (_) \ V /  __/ |  \__ \  __/  __/ |
     \__\__,_|\__,_|\___/       \___/ \_/ \___|_|  |___/\___|\___|_|
    2022-12-10 23:37:52,808 [tado.base] INFO - Retrieving ACCESS TOKEN
    2022-12-10 23:37:53,839 [tado.base] INFO - Retrieved ACCESS TOKEN = [eyJh...]
    2022-12-10 23:37:53,839 [tado.base] INFO - Retrieving HOME ID
    2022-12-10 23:37:54,061 [tado.base] INFO - Retrieved HOME ID = [2461...]
    2022-12-10 23:37:54,061 [tado.base] INFO - Retrieving ZONES and DEVICES
    2022-12-10 23:37:54,289 [tado.base] INFO - Retrieved [6] ZONES and [7] DEVICES
    2022-12-10 23:37:54,289 [tado.base] INFO - Retrieving LEADER DEVICES
    2022-12-10 23:37:54,617 [tado.base] INFO - Retrieved LEADER DEVICES = ['RU15...', 'VA31...', 'VA29...', 'VA29...', 'VA00...   ', 'VA29...']
    2022-12-10 23:37:55,771 [tado.offsets] INFO - Applying change to [Hallway        ] - [current:-7.0, target: -4.0]
    2022-12-10 23:37:55,772 [tado.offsets] INFO - Applying change to [Kitchen        ] - [current:-7.0, target: -2.7]
    2022-12-10 23:37:55,772 [tado.offsets] INFO - Applying change to [Utility Room   ] - [current:-7.0, target: -1.8]
    2022-12-10 23:37:55,772 [tado.offsets] INFO - Applying change to [Lounge         ] - [current:-7.0, target: -3.5]
    2022-12-10 23:37:55,772 [tado.offsets] INFO - Applying change to [Study          ] - [current:-7.0, target: -3.0]

Indices and tables